Working Group : Sandstone Careers and Cutters
The creation of this group has been approved by the Board of Directors of the AFF during his meeting the 5th of December, 2009 to which the Regional Director of the ONF was represented. ONF and AFF sharing the same point of view about the patrimonial interest presented by the sandstone cutters’ houses and careers in the forest, they decided to share their ressources to ensure their safeguard.
Role : Study the old carreers of sandstone in the Fontainebleau Forest. This search can be extended outside the Fontainebleau area and include an historical study over the preceding centuries. Means : Do field inspections and maps. Every house in the domanial forests of Fontainebleau and Trois pignons are registrated, conserved, maintained and for some restaurated. Every restauration is done in coordination with the ONF. Proceed to searches about the techniques of sandstone exploitation (means, tools, etc), the productions and the life of the sandstone cutters. Publish those works. |
Contact : the president, Jean PILLOT by e-mail at : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.